Safeguarding Policy


This policy seeks to ensure that the Hipp!!Bones Charity (the “charity”) undertakes it’s responsibilities with regard to the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults who are members of the club, as well as young people who act as volunteers, and will respond to concerns appropriately. This policy establishes a framework for trustees, the management committee, staff and volunteers in their practices and clarifies the organisation’s expectations in accordance with legislation such as the Children Act 2004, Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, Equality Act 2010, Mental Capacity Act 2005, Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (part 5) as applies to Prevent and Channel, and in practice and policy directed by the Government’s publication Every Child Matters – Change for Children.

Hipp!!Bones works to:

  • Safeguard the welfare of the young people and vulnerable adults we work with, by protecting them from neglect, physical, sexual, emotional and financial abuse as well as protection from harassment (including e safety); peer on peer abuse (including sexting, upskirting, and initiation/hazing type violence and rituals); coercion into criminal activities including those associated with terrorism (radicalisation) and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).
  • Support the creation of an environment where young people and vulnerable adults are listened to and are encouraged to talk about themselves, their lives and any concerns they may have.
  • Create ‘Communication Passports’ to provide a person-centred approach to passing on key information about young people and vulnerable adults with complex communication difficulties who cannot easily speak for themselves; and support them to express themselves through augmentative and alternative communication, such as: PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), Proloquo2go, symbols etc.

Hipp!!Bones will seek to safeguard children and young people by:

  • Creating an environment where trust, acceptance and openness is promoted through valuing them, listening to and respecting them.
  • Recruiting staff and volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks such as those included in the Disclosure and Barring Service are made.
  • Reinforcing UK society’s rules and expectations of acceptable/appropriate behaviour/ communication through positive role modelling, information, advice and guidance as appropriate.
  • Sharing information about child protection and good practice with young people and vulnerable adults, parents, trustees, management committee members, staff and volunteers through knowledgeable and positive role modelling and training as appropriate.
  • Following correct procedures when sharing information about concerns with agencies who need to know and involving parents and young people appropriately.
  • Providing effective management for staff and volunteers through supervision, support and open communication.

Hipp!!Bones recognises that children, young people and vulnerable adults may suffer abuse in diferent ways: 

Physically: Any purposeful acts of violence causing injury.

Sexually: The exploitation of authority or power to involve a child in sexual gratification.

Emotionally: Emotional ill-treatment or rejection affecting emotional or behavioural development.

Neglect: Failure to provide a child with basic needs including access to adequate food, health care or education.

Financial:       A violation of an individual’s rights relating to their financial affairs or assets.

Radicalisation: The process by which people come to support terrorism and violent extremism and, in some cases, then join terrorist groups.

Staff and volunteers will be vigilant in spotting the signs and symptoms of abuse that can include:

  • Physical signs such as changes in appearance, injuries and marks,
  • Stealing or hoarding food, poor hygiene, unattended physical or medical problems or being constantly tired,
  • Displaying sexual behaviour which doesn’t seem appropriate for their age,
  • Any changes in behaviour which may be uncharacteristic for the young person,
  • Changing friendships, or forming friendships with older individuals or groups,
  • Unexplained gifts or possessions,
  • Information disclosed either directly or indirectly.

Hipp!!Bones recognises that some young people and vulnerable adults with additional needs and disabilities may require adult assistance with personal and/or intimate care:

Staff/volunteers may be required to physically assist or verbally prompt young people and vulnerable adults with personal and/or intimate care needs that they can’t undertake   themselves.

Support given may include:

  • feeding
  • administering oral emergency medication
  • washing non intimate body parts
  • prompting to go to the toilet
  • changing/providing sanitary wear
  • prompting when changing into/out of swimwear
  • assisting a young person to manage their urinary and/or faecal incontinence

The nature, circumstances and context of such contact should comply with professional codes of practice or guidance and/or be part of a formally agreed Intimate Care Plan, which is regularly reviewed (see Personal and Intimate Care Policy).

Hipp!!Bones will respond to suspicions or allegations of abuse:

When a child, young person or vulnerable adult does disclose abuse, this needs to be taken very seriously and acted on in a timely manner. It is important that any disclosure is dealt with appropriately, both for the wellbeing of the young person; but also to ensure that your actions do not jeopardise any legal action against the abuser (see Dealing with Disclosures of Abuse Guidelines).

Following any low risk disclosure or initial concern of abuse:

  • Staff/volunteers will offer support and guidance to the young person and ensure their current safety.
  • Staff/volunteers will record concerns on ‘Safeguarding Concern’ form and pass the completed form to Jeni Pike (Designated Safeguarding Lead) to make her aware of any potential for concern.
  • Jeni Pike(Designated Safeguarding Lead) will update staff/volunteers of the outcome of concerns raised.

Following any disclosure or concern for a young person or vulnerable adult in immediate danger the Youth Support Worker in Charge (Designated Safeguarding Lead)  will contact:

  • ChADS (Children’s Advice and Duty Service) 01305228558 (Professionals)/ 01305228866 (General Public) for all safeguarding concerns,
  • Police Emergency 999 or non emergency number 101

Referrals to ChADS/ social care should be followed up in writing using the appropriate form. (Do not inform parents if there is a disclosure of abuse or concern about significant harm, unless agreed by ChADS/social care). Call ChADS / social care if you have not received the outcome of a referral within a reasonable time.

Hipp!!Bones will maintain records and respect confidentiality:

Staff or volunteers will inform Jeni Pike (Designated Safeguarding Lead) of any issues for concern and pass her a written record of any incidents or disclosures, which will be kept securely.  If, due to the nature of the incident, it is not appropriate to involve the Designated Safeguarding Lead, staff, volunteers or young people and vulnerable adults can inform Serena Burgess (Deputy Safeguarding Lead) directly.

Hipp!!Bones acknowledges that the welfare of the individual is paramount:

Privacy and confidentiality will be respected where possible but if doing this leaves a young person or vulnerable adult at risk of harm, then the young person’s or vulnerable adult’s safety will always come first.